Wednesday, December 17, 2008
So...the posts.
From to the upcoming music prodjects; it's all coming. I will be posting more...and I havent forgotten about the lost notebook. Soon, it is all coming soon. Kap, no more wall writing from you....
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Final Paper: First Semester.
Two days ago my class was confronted with a difficult question: Should a society permit or not permit to allow its citizens to destroy themselves? What a question. “Destruction” is also a very strong word. The point where destruction begins and ends is also a un-clear line; especially for our country’s citizens. As far as violence against innocent people, there should be none permitted. However; letting the powers that be intentionally persuade a society to the point of “destruction” is wrong. Our perception of destruction is somewhat distorted; violence isn’t all that brings down a society. Perception is also what our own destroyer’s have used against us…again and again.
Our country is based around Freedom. Do what you want, when you want to do it; within limits. The United States Government is not supposed to have an influx into economics and personal finances. However, when a countries economic system is based on supply and demand where the only place to go is up; regulations are twisted. A few years ago, people would have said “the government doesn’t belong with their nose in financial problems”. However, when there are jobs at stake, and an ever-creeping recession around the corner, failing financial tycoon’s such as GM Motors will receive attention from the Government; bar none. Freedom is freedom, but where is the line drawn for these monumental situations?
The truth is: there is no line. Remember, “Government shouldn’t be involved”. This is a free country, something I’m sure GM would love to declare, especially at this time. They had their freedom’s to advertise, market, and sell their product. This country gave them a chance to be the wealthy business people they are today. All these freedoms that were given, and have been given to all of us, are what can hurt us in the end. There are lines to be drawn with this word “freedom”. To live your rights is one thing, but to have a society crumbling due to certain freedoms of financial tycoon’s business plan is completely un acceptable. If the government runs this country, they should know how these companies operate.
Our whole country operates around media. Media, advertising, public relations, brand loyalty, and the list go on. From week to week, the buzz is different through our nation. Corporations that make every day American life what possible bring in enormous sums of money. This money is in-turn spent on everything that keeps a company running from factory to consumer. Or, possibly, the money belonging to a corporation funds various marketing schemes and trends that work their way into American culture. If our Government (let’s hope they do) knew the amount money and value big corporations have to our economic system, it doesn’t make any sense to me why there was never any regulations.
I’m just a soft more in college. What our country is experiencing now is a time of uncertainty. Due to whatever reason, just pick one; our country is spiraling downward. The failure of major corporations that built the foundation for our economic system is happening. No one could have seen this coming, or could “they” have? The real question is whether or not our Government knows what to do with the task at hand. After all, our government doesn’t have the cleanest financial record either. The way our country runs, one press conference stating the downfall of our economy, and ultimately modern day culture, would send our fellow citizens into frenzy. Our media, the one thing that had the biggest job in our country would bring us the news. Of course, the news wouldn’t tell the whole truth; that get’s no ratings. Who knows if our Government would even know if it could all end tomorrow (our economic system that is). Then again, we are a free nation; a free nation raised by media and entertainment. The cycle goes on.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
First Snow.
Wick crawals out from under a blanket. Out of the seven fish in this tank, Wick seems to be in the roughest shape. The poor by doesn't know up,down, left or right. He's gone belly up, the smile on his face suggests that his sleep was not enjoyed.
However..I will assure you that there is no betterway to start a Sunday morning than shoveling the years first snowfall. We all got up and "celebrated" the new white stuff in our traditional way. Less than a few hours ago we were all half sleeping on the concrete floor. Right now, it's coffee and breakfast with family. Sitting in our home base, Central's hospitality played out right in front of our eyes.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Second go at it.
I feel as though our Central hospitality has been too much for Tom. The poor boy has to drive to Maine at 7A.M. But, here is alos another specific instance I would like to bring up. The object of discussion is my dear friend Freedy.
His clothes stay on only when he is sober. That's harsh; the man isn't a pig, he just loves kerosine running down his throut like a fire hose. The kid warns to head down south to Winthrop. Harvey calls for our attendance to the Patriots game: there will be a manuscript. See, Freedy is down for anything. At any point in matter what the situation, he's there. Freedy is just one of those friends that can't dissapear. He will be roaming around Lynn, MA for the rest of his life. Walnut street will forever hold the entrance to my good friends philosophy.
Friends keep showing time is needed. I am the frontman of this family I feel. These kid's mean the world to me. includes friends, and nothing comes between family. "It was all a dream" -Biggie said it best. The whole room is arrupting in chrous. B.I.G.; he knew, only the good die young. My dream was to have a circuit of friends that would back me up 100%. It's now.
Friday, December 5, 2008
"Little less talk, alot more action"
Right now though, my band of merry pranksters buzz about in the dorm. The whole crew showed up to our spot tonight; in honor of Tom. See, this is a first time thing for him...we want to do it right. We owe the kid a good show of hospitality; his family has dealt with the boy's recreations for years now. It's Tom's time to let loose; Central style. The mood seems to be getting tense, pressures are being added from both sides. Uncomfortable: yes. Necissary:no, but always a present factor of the long fluid-filled night.
By this time its Saturday morning. "Today" in the technical sence will prove to be busy. Tom and I will venture to Bass Pro Shops; to keep him in his own element. For instance: I wouldn't be bringing "T" (as we call Tom for short) to lets say Anna's in Somerville. The country boy just can't handle the busy technicalities of the city streets. Race is also a factor. My good friend is educated from a school district where there's maybe, at most, a half dozen darker skinned people.
Now, a half hour into Saturday morning, Freedy all of the sudden notices my presence in the room. I stole the computer and have been typing; unnoticed. Buffalo are running wild off of the HD, and he audience is stoned like an 18th century criminal. "Your making me want to come over and punch you"- Freedman's testament to my passion. "A little corner in the wall creature right now" -Wick's description of my practice. Wether the boys don't understand...or they are just too hung up on their raging hormones...fuled by booze and tight female clothing. Now that the females have exited, the elaboration of past conquest's ring off the walls of the Dorm with a background tune of Neil Young's "Home on the Range". "Where the Buffalo Roam" is bubbling out of the screen into the depths of the sexual conversation. More or less; I'm just reporting.
On what..? I'm not sure. What will all of these post's ammoutn to?
did Hunter S. know that his actvitities would be viewed by garage-rooms full of young college students viewed is vice's as prophecy and rebellion? My group of troubled "students" view the Hunter S. cult classic's as a portol into a world we will never see. But now we create our own world... similar to the one he lives... but justified in it's own right. Goodnight. or good morning; it dpends on your preception. Me, I dont care. Freedy (the charcter that has still drifted but not fully entered), Wick, Kap, and Bill will finish this war off with me.
Once again, the depths of Central have called...and we have answered with a tribute to a friend. Hopefully there will be a post for the next set of activites for this weekend. Oh boy; hockey will be seen only through wise consideration of my actions over the next 48 hours. Sleep soon.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
North Travels South.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Adam's Ankle.

Now, I have said in previous posts' that certain characters would be introduced throughout the Blog. This picture is my introduction of Adam. Ever since I have known the kid, he's been toast. From bmx bikes as young teenagers, to snowmobiles; it's balls to the wall, no if and's or if anyone say's "Adam, you wont do it" he simply replies "Fuck You" and does the task at hand. Wether it's skipping over water on a sled, (for hundreds of yards) , or gapping a twenty foot hill from parkinglot to skatepark, two angels sit on his shoulders. At any given day his agenda could lead him flying over the back balance bar of a 5ft. quarterpipe. You'll always know where he's been. Somewhere on the asphalt, the smell of burnt off-road tires lingers. There could be a wooded road, trail, or path being raped of its natural state as a Chevy pickup rips through mud and vegitation.
See, Adam just doesn't quit. The idea of giving up on something, no matter how feasible the idea may be, has never and will never occur to him. Take for instance this x-ray. This is Adams new ankle. The plate and five screws were cranked into his bone yesterday afternoon. Up around his parts, there's about three inches of snow. As I have come to learn through my sources, Adam was launching a step-up.for anone not firmiliar with the activities of a guy like Adam, that's a jump where the take-off ramp is lower than the actual landing. Therefor, the athlete has to go higher and stay higher than he/she would off a normal jump.
Adam- "the jump was like 5 feet tall and the landing was atleast 40 to 45 feet from the lip of the jump and it was like a 5 ft step up". The sticks always have a few good stories to provide; this will prove itself. As for now, I wish Adam a speedy recovery; Git-R-Done n' go get em' boy!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Bandwagon Jumpers
Before last season, no one in my family ever spoke of the team, winning or not. When the games were playing in the kitchechen not a question was asked. Now, with the current Bruins record of 7-1-1, the games are mentioned by my mother and father. This is the proof that the media crowd is jumping on the bandwagon.
Upon walking into the hat store, my good friend Wick was full of mall food and well dressed for the occasion. The black shoes laced to his feet embelish a lime green logo. His tan pants match the hunter green and tan plaid shirt he wears on this rainy day. Around his neck hangs a St. Jude mdeallion. His gold chain tops off his ginny mick look. Now he needs to complete his uniform, and into the hat store he goes.
As Wick walks through the doors, he turns to his left. There is almost a whole half wall of new Bruins hats. Wick looks at the display of Boston pride, and with a curling corner of his mouth say's "See, this is for all the bandwagon jumper's". He ended up buying a nice hat, a real big yellow "B" was offset on the left die of the hat.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
From Turkeys to Projectile Peaches
Monday, November 24, 2008
Pg. 397, In the November chapter of the Thompson novel, the mood changes to a serious, slightly saddening tone. The “Editors Note” explained how Thompson went through a series of nervous seizures after a flash back. Now, the editor had resorted to Thompson composing his book vocally, into a microphone on an eight foot chord connected to a tape recorder. The chapter was actually typed out in an interview format with a question and answer outline. Hunter...The poor man...Rambled on and on about the Eagleton incident and the crash of the McGovern campaign. Eagleton refused to cough up his medical records, which still sit in St. Louis. The records prove the information given to the McGovern campaign about “electric shock treatment” Eagleton received, and never notified a soul. McGovern couldn’t follow through with his pledge to back him; but his staff could not provide the records. The whole thing made McGovern sink, in an odd melt of sadness and rage.
The interview is so raw and literal, you can almost see Thompson, pacing around the room...Babbling off answers to the poor editors questions. Imagine the task of deciphering the words when composing the chapter. At one point, Thompson is by a window looking onto the street, the text reads: “HST: Excuse me, but I think I see a mescaline dealer down there in the street; proof of his madness.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
The Weekend
P.S.- My piece on the Hunter S. Thompson book will be posted tomorrow.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
"Like Riding Gods Own Motor Cycle" - HST
The night has grown old, and the day was longer than ever anticipated. As a thursday, the weekend will prove it STILL will show no mercy. Tomorrow, I plan to have the review done; if it's not posted, the day has once again gone to hell. No, really...that sounds too vicious; if I have the time and ability to edit my piece it wil be posted.
Now.."Casino" belts at my ears from the big screen; Big Brother in it's purest form. I would like to set a goal for myself, and the blog. Upon going through an old notebook, I stumbled upon some of my first real attempts at writing. They were written upside down, in the back of a plastic covered Mead, general rule notebook. Up untill recently, they have gone un-noticied and forgotten about.There..thats to keep the audience interested.
As my parter Kap downlaods a sample to my flash drive that I hold on my keys; for a drum beat im working on...its time to go. Tomorrw is another day. Now i'm being rushed out the door, the travel kit is packed, and away we go.
The Cold
New England makes the best out of its winter. From ski resorts to ice fishing to pond hockey, it all comes and goes with the holiday winter season; Christmas Season (it just can't be called that anymore...especially if every word out of you're mouth insists on being snivelling politically correct statement.) See I knew this would happen.....this is garbage. The problem with planning on typing a nice long post with meaning is time. My time schedule is tight now, even though all afternoon was spent doing other things. My priorities are in the right place...just at the wrong time. Once I can line them up, maybe the ball will get rolling for me, or someone if not me.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
This Morning
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Not sure
My mouth’s hygiene however, could not be better. I have quit smoking for over a week now, cold turkey. The habitual rinsing, with my home-made saline solution of table salt and warm tap water, hopefully rid my mouth of germs. I wish that someone, at some point, could have told me how much this procedure really throws off your lifestyle. Just the ability to eat what our body is used to is a huge part of our routine.
Routine is about sleeping, eating, and going about your day in the most natural way possible for a specific person. When sleeping, eating, and stress levels fluctuate (never mind spin out of control), keeping a solid routine is usually disrupted. This is what happens with serious wisdom teeth extraction. Your routine is abruptly called to a halt, and the decisions are up to the medication. This the medication prescribed by the doctor who put you in the situation in the first place. Yes, I have possibly dug far too deep into the subject, but there was nothing else to do besides sit around and think about the pain inside of my swollen cheeks.
Truthfully, the time I spent licking my wound’s was not in vain. There was an ample amount of time for writing and reading, mainly getting caught up on things. Would I gladly lay down for the procedure again? Not unless the life of my family depended on it. Hopefully everything is well and my mind can let go of wisdom teeth for a while.
Monday, November 17, 2008
"Wisdom Teeth"
By no means am I a drug addict, or ever intend to be one. But, on this occasion, narcotics have been prescribed to me legally, by a doctor, and taking them is beneficial to my situation. Being an avid advantage-taker of burned plants, and the distilled byproducts of plants, man-made drugs have never made a distinct appeal to me. Things that are produced in a lab to create any type of high just leave too many ends un-tied. Oxycodone is a pain reliever, used for the relief of moderate to severe pain from injury or operation. The drug is a substitute for Percocet, a commonly abused prescription pain killer. My goal was not to abuse the drug, but as a first oral narcotic at twenty years old, I planned to do some mild experimenting. There were no thoughts of snorting or injecting, merely just trying to figure out the buzz as it came and went. The “buzz” was not as I had expected at all, in fact the 325mg pills were mellow. My doctor suggested that I start with half a dose, for fear that it may be too strong; and I accepted this advice, but almost instantaneously let it trickle from my memory bank at once.
The pills killed the mental pain. What the drug actually does is shut off the part of the brain that lets a person know where the hurting is coming from. It is almost like dulling the blade of an axe; the pain still does its job, but your mind could care less. For me, it was motivating. It allowed me to slow down, sit, think, talk, and rationalize about whatever was going on. For some odd reason, the drug makes me focused, and incredibly enthusiastic about any work I had to do. From schoolwork, to personal work, to regular household chores, nothing seemed that big of a deal. Right now, as I type this, I’m about a half an hour into a fresh Oxycodone, and I can feel myself loosening up, and accepting whatever is thrown at me. As my parents walk in the door from work, all of their grievances are released, like any American household during these times. Usually, it bothers me, but not today, not with this drug.
There is now no question in my mind about why people get addicted to these little pills or any little pill for this matter. I think the cause for the addiction is based partly in the reason for distribution. If you’re given the pills to dull pain, any pain without access to the pills is amplified; mental or physical. The brain refers to what has been aiding it through difficult times (the drug), and somehow cannot get passed it.
Enough about addiction, it’s an ugly word. Sitting here, my face wrapped with some ice-holding contraption to reduce the swelling from my jaw, I just get frustrated. A considerable amount of money was given to my oral surgeon to remove teeth that I never even saw. The damn things didn’t even have a purpose, or maybe they did. My conclusion of using this damn narcotic is this: only use when prescribed. I am forever a fan of the natural lift, not the man made. In fact, I would make an argument for the substance of my choice, but with m particular situation, further complications would occur. Any other injury could have served as a beautiful base for a debate towards natural relief, but that is not the case. Wisdom teeth are nothing but a hassle, a potentially dangerous hassle if you don’t know yourself, and your drugs. Whenever I hear of someone undergoing the procedure, now I’m going to wish them luck. Not luck for surviving the procedure itself, but for surviving the hold of narcotics. Narcotics prescribed by a doctor to help with the pain when in fact they could do more harm than the useless wisdom teeth themselves, or a person can gain wisdom about the dangers within the man-made high.
Friday, November 14, 2008
"The Doctor of Weather."
“The Doctor of Weather"
The start of class is always a struggle. Morning burns into my eyelids like a red hot brand. I glance at the clock, 10:02 a.m., what a drag. Just shut your mouth. The young man sitting two rows away is insisting that what he has to say has actual relevance… when it doesn’t. His mindless piddling combined with the confused and awkward sound of my professor’s voice annoys the shit out of me like the sound of a wood chisel on a chalkboard.
Finally, the class begins. The intervals in this class are just ridicules. This poor woman speaks with breaks in her sentences, and she’s constantly asking questions, as to think that her mouth isn’t sure where her brain is going with the next thought. Between her vocal chords and brain nerves, there is break in the circuit, they disagree as Archie Bunker and an African American neighbor. Damn, the woman just isn’t right. She teaches three classes, all at different locations. Her late nights must be filled with Wild Turkey lullaby’s…and she is no Hunter S.
Lost, and still fumbling through her words, she habitually mutters, “Today’s gonna’ be a stutter day”. This statement leads me to doubt the woman’s intelligence. Her repetitive instruction of the material to three classes has possibly had a brainwash effect on her and makes things habitual, including excuses. Fifteen minutes, and this woman hasn’t spoken a full solid sentence since class began; it’s all going to hell for her. She clumsily mutter’s, “I should have had some caffeine this morning”, the reality of this situation is ironically hilarious yet quite un-comfortable.
People sitting around me shake their morning-bent heads and roll their bloodshot eyes at the sight of our tripped-up professor. Upon reference, our semester syllabus confirms; the woman is a Doctor. Twenty minutes left in this room. Hopefully she survives her Wednesday morning, or, for the sake of my education…she doesn’t. Who knows what is troubling her mind today, it absolutely foolish to rule out the possibility that this is her true character. She could very well be under the influence of absolutely nothing at all. Whatever the case may be, extravagantly ironic or not, the broad isn’t right.
Ten minutes left until our heads are released from this questioning. I can safely speak for the general MTV generation of washed up minds in the room. Well, that’s not fair; not everyone in the room is as washed up as me and bill at twenty years old. But I guess even the “intellectuals” in the room can’t bear to continually sit through this lecturing. What am I kidding? Billy and I are well established intellectuals in our own right. A glance around the room and a sip of my water shows the entire class roster is in another world. Through the individual eyes of my fellow classmates, I can see abandonment in their current education; the blank stare of the brain can not quite making a connection with reality, and it is giving up on the situation at hand.