Monday, January 12, 2009
This was it.
I realize the post from Saterday/Sunday is still not finished, but tonight is no night for that sort of work. I experienced a bond with people tonight. The sence of "is this too much" was in the air. I'm not afraid to admit it. Personally, these are my true feelings, what the fuck?...they are probably listening anyway. "They" is for whoever is out there. Whatever government prodject is looking in on this post, or to whoever the fuck cares...this is my life, my experience.
The "bond" I speak of is simple. The time we live in is twisted, chopped, and grinded into a mixture of possibilities. Ah, this reminded me of a quote.
"Dwell in possibility" This quote hangs above Wick's toilet, in his place of residence. Emily Dickenson is the proper owner of the quote, and if anyone knows of my connection to that depressing poet...christ, its ironic on a Monday afternoon. In my eyes, there should be no "dwelling" in any possibility ; it should be acted upon.
Acting according to what I feel within a moment is who I am. Now, whoever reads this understands. Whether it's good or bad, whoever reads this slice of the world wide web will know abnout me. I guess this is how people get to know each other theses days...its quite confusing to me.
See, here is how I met m friends. There was no forum or chat that introduced me into my friends (famil). Through trial and tribulation; we stay togeather. In situations where our personal world is collapsong around you...these friends were there. We were brought togeather by chance, pure luck that we all have each others back's. In my eyes it's a gift; one I refuse to pass up.
Here is my teastament to the new year. Let's do it. Everyone knows what i'm talking about. From Naples, Maine to Central, we can make something of ourselves. Its 1:00A.M. My sleep is important for the day ahead. All of the family is fast for the challenges of modern-day America tomorrow. We are all armed with a piece of mind, and a past to prove it.
Good luck to all who stand in our way. Our circuit is tight and our door's are lashed with bondfs that will last a lifetime. Captain, im goin' down with the ship! Either way....Sub-shop/Millionaires.
......................................And our all comin' for the ride. Read up....more to come.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Wild, Wild horses...couldn't drag me away.
As I flip on "Salt Dog" by Flogging Molly from my iTunes, my thoughts go to a brother...Wick, feel better man, we all hope for a speedy recovery. The dorm longs for your Irish mumblings, and the "funk" just aint right without ya'.
The impending storm looms outside the dorm walls. It's fine, my sences told me about the storm first thing this morning "red sky in morning-sailors warning". Dont know where I first heard it, but I live by the saying; constantly checking the phrase in my head when I see the sun rise or set. At about 7 a.m., the sky was a purple pink..storm's comin'. Why...I have no clue, but the old saying hasn't failed me yet.
Let's try something...? Bill and I....possibly Freedman, will be going on a walk through the height of the storm. This post will contain a before and after account of the walk. Currently, the storm has given only about an inch, and thats stretching it. At 11:10 P.M., this little bitch of a New England disturbance hasn't shaken any resident. Lets see what she has for us; Mother Nature is more powerful than any weapon, and should never be doubted. I will mark the time when we leave, and make a remark upon our return to the dorm.
Friday, January 9, 2009
One wrong move.
What if my parents never desided to move out of Lynn and English was my Highschool? What if I watched way more MTV than I should have, and got sucked into today's version of entertainment? What if? Thats a question to ask yourself.
One wrong move in my past and my life is 100% different. "Wrong move" meaning a different decision in my past. My life now is fine, wouldn't change a thing. Everything in my past has attributed to my life as it is now. Everything from mistakes to painfull decisions shapes and molds a person (if you dont let THEM get you). "THEM" is the greater power of the man, and this is what we've been working against our whole lives. I speak as if im speaking for my family.
Decisions, decisions, decisions. They are made everyday, shaping life for your future. But, in order to be content with whatever is going on in your life a person needs to know why. Why things are the way they are, good I regret nothing. Regretting your past never helps, it only hurts. One wrong move could have sent me down the wrong path. My friends have kept me on the path, we also keep each other on track and will continue to do so.
So much to, so much.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
"All hell can't stop us now."

This is a testament to the year 2008. My friends and I have created a family of people, young and old, big and small, from the northern woods of Maine to the streets of Boston. Everything I am is attributeds to time spent with these people. Thank you.
In 2008, alot went on...damn. The year kicked off with a series of events...about four or five hours into the new year, that would set off a year of questionable things. The Dorm became our home, a safehouse of sorts, but open to anyone. At any given time members of our family can show up, and plant their ass till the morning. Over the comming months most of us fulfilled the Dorm's open door policy. The King and Queen of the house should have claimed us all on their taxes.
The summer went as it has never gone. A perfect balancing act done by all members of the family has since been rewardfull. We are kind of what you would call night owls, night owls strung out after hanging around in a cow pasture. During the summer, every week was met with news tasks do work around the scene at the Dorm. Every single night somthing was accomplished in my mind; lifelong bonds with friends.
As the schoolyear approached, everyone started to pull on the reigns. Now, trying to stop a horse is one thing, but strying to stop a wild stallion on crystal meth is another story. (its immagry; none of the family is a dependant drug user). Needless to say, two weeks into school, myself and the rest of us said fuck the sadlle, and hopped on the damn wild animal for the ride. Now, for the picture.
A great tradition was started in the late months of August, and in the fall. Some of us acquired a long for the deeper wilderness, tenting and trying to survive became a hobbie. Camping trips will now ensue year round, it just doesnt matter. Our family's bond stretches deep into the soil of our natural earth. This friendship has roots deep in many different backgrounds, styles, and personalities. "The Life"; from here on in blog readers will have privaleged knowledge about the origins of this saying, for us atleast.
"The Life" is whatever your doing right now. To have friends, to be the best of both worlds, to chalenge that wild beast inside all of us; that's the life. Whenever your leaving a brain bouncing concert, or taking a hike through the woods, just muttering "the life" meanse your happy with who you are, what you do, and who's around you while all that is going on.
The winter came in with a bang and the family ran towards the blast. Weather it be snowstorm or car troubles, all lengths were went to in order for the family to chill. It truely was "the best christmas ever". Writings and tales about 2008, and years past, will echo through our hearts and souls as testaments to our way of life here in New England. As the new year rolled up, we charged; finishing off in the best way possible; quite possibly the only wa we know how. 2009 came, and we are ready.
In order to ground ourselves for the new year, three of us made the decision to head north, and visit some of the family. Adam's healing up well, and T is T. Freedman, Kap and I went "home" to start off the ear in the correct fashion, and we succeeded. Let's look ahead guys and gal's, time to make things happen.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Why not?
Before new years all that anyone was thinking about was the party on New Years Eve. (pictures coming soon) After that party, there was a striking realization that we still had the weekend to deal with.
The original plans for this weekend was to head down to Rhode Island to record some music with Kap and his buddy Keith at his father's recording studio. My anticipation of this sort of thing dates back to my grammer school years. Of course, what can go wrong will go wrong, and we didn't make it to Rhode Island. For one reason or another, me, Kap, and Freedman decided to head north instead of soluth (a wise decision any day).
We headed to the spot in Maine, our home. We stayed in the Freedman's trailor. Three guys, two last minute food bags, and plent of winter atire. Our stay in the Vacation state lasted less that 24 hours, but that's all that we needed.
My face and lips are chapped, and my lungs are refreshed from the clean northern air. My mind has been replenished knowing that a place like Maine still exists; it hasn't been run down by some corporation. The wilderness still thrives in certain parts, Maine being one, and that is what we seek. My friends and I search for the next new expirience to break away from the dwelling of the city, and thats what we did. Our own version of therapy and rest, the way nature intended it.