Monday, January 12, 2009

This was it.

This was it for me;tonight at Bill's. Actually it was yesterday (Monday). Its 12:45 a.m. on Tuesday, and I'm up. Work starts for me at 7:00. Gotta be up for buisness with John J at the registry. Life has been lived, tonight was a capping off. A bitter sweet cap to a wonderful year past. Now, I hope the future proves to be even more exciting, it different way's than 08'.

I realize the post from Saterday/Sunday is still not finished, but tonight is no night for that sort of work. I experienced a bond with people tonight. The sence of "is this too much" was in the air. I'm not afraid to admit it. Personally, these are my true feelings, what the fuck?...they are probably listening anyway. "They" is for whoever is out there. Whatever government prodject is looking in on this post, or to whoever the fuck cares...this is my life, my experience.

The "bond" I speak of is simple. The time we live in is twisted, chopped, and grinded into a mixture of possibilities. Ah, this reminded me of a quote.

"Dwell in possibility" This quote hangs above Wick's toilet, in his place of residence. Emily Dickenson is the proper owner of the quote, and if anyone knows of my connection to that depressing poet...christ, its ironic on a Monday afternoon. In my eyes, there should be no "dwelling" in any possibility ; it should be acted upon.

Acting according to what I feel within a moment is who I am. Now, whoever reads this understands. Whether it's good or bad, whoever reads this slice of the world wide web will know abnout me. I guess this is how people get to know each other theses days...its quite confusing to me.

See, here is how I met m friends. There was no forum or chat that introduced me into my friends (famil). Through trial and tribulation; we stay togeather. In situations where our personal world is collapsong around you...these friends were there. We were brought togeather by chance, pure luck that we all have each others back's. In my eyes it's a gift; one I refuse to pass up.

Here is my teastament to the new year. Let's do it. Everyone knows what i'm talking about. From Naples, Maine to Central, we can make something of ourselves. Its 1:00A.M. My sleep is important for the day ahead. All of the family is fast for the challenges of modern-day America tomorrow. We are all armed with a piece of mind, and a past to prove it.

Good luck to all who stand in our way. Our circuit is tight and our door's are lashed with bondfs that will last a lifetime. Captain, im goin' down with the ship! Either way....Sub-shop/Millionaires.

......................................And our all comin' for the ride. Read up....more to come.

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