Thursday, May 28, 2009

Big happenings.

Noize is slowly planting its foot; and we'll stand like a brick wall as long as we can. So much support from so many people; thank you.

The past is finally gone. The past eats and eats until there is nothing left, and when the past finally retreats; when you have finally gained the upper hand in the fight, it still wont be over. The past is something that can always come creeping back. Old habits and false pre-tenses will never be erased from memory, but it's the decision to face the facts and continue on. However, never say that the battle has been "won", because surely, no one can simply "win" the fight with the past; put your guard down for a second and the future will hit you harder than the past ever could have. This morning I feel like I'm on top of it.

Ci manchi!

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