Friday, December 5, 2008

"Little less talk, alot more action"

Right now, a Mainer sits in the bucket seat. This seat rests in the home of the "family". All of our friends, some of our enemy's; keep them closer than your friends. This is my first post, reporting on Tom's stay in Mass. He's been in the Bay State since about 5:00p.m. Upon his arrival, my sister greeted him, and he seetled in to the Jodoin household.
Right now though, my band of merry pranksters buzz about in the dorm. The whole crew showed up to our spot tonight; in honor of Tom. See, this is a first time thing for him...we want to do it right. We owe the kid a good show of hospitality; his family has dealt with the boy's recreations for years now. It's Tom's time to let loose; Central style. The mood seems to be getting tense, pressures are being added from both sides. Uncomfortable: yes. Necissary:no, but always a present factor of the long fluid-filled night.
By this time its Saturday morning. "Today" in the technical sence will prove to be busy. Tom and I will venture to Bass Pro Shops; to keep him in his own element. For instance: I wouldn't be bringing "T" (as we call Tom for short) to lets say Anna's in Somerville. The country boy just can't handle the busy technicalities of the city streets. Race is also a factor. My good friend is educated from a school district where there's maybe, at most, a half dozen darker skinned people.
Now, a half hour into Saturday morning, Freedy all of the sudden notices my presence in the room. I stole the computer and have been typing; unnoticed. Buffalo are running wild off of the HD, and he audience is stoned like an 18th century criminal. "Your making me want to come over and punch you"- Freedman's testament to my passion. "A little corner in the wall creature right now" -Wick's description of my practice. Wether the boys don't understand...or they are just too hung up on their raging hormones...fuled by booze and tight female clothing. Now that the females have exited, the elaboration of past conquest's ring off the walls of the Dorm with a background tune of Neil Young's "Home on the Range". "Where the Buffalo Roam" is bubbling out of the screen into the depths of the sexual conversation. More or less; I'm just reporting.
On what..? I'm not sure. What will all of these post's ammoutn to?
did Hunter S. know that his actvitities would be viewed by garage-rooms full of young college students viewed is vice's as prophecy and rebellion? My group of troubled "students" view the Hunter S. cult classic's as a portol into a world we will never see. But now we create our own world... similar to the one he lives... but justified in it's own right. Goodnight. or good morning; it dpends on your preception. Me, I dont care. Freedy (the charcter that has still drifted but not fully entered), Wick, Kap, and Bill will finish this war off with me.
Once again, the depths of Central have called...and we have answered with a tribute to a friend. Hopefully there will be a post for the next set of activites for this weekend. Oh boy; hockey will be seen only through wise consideration of my actions over the next 48 hours. Sleep soon.

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