Monday, January 5, 2009

Why not?

This past week was a long one at that. My system just hasn't seemed to slow down untill now. The week was broken up into two parts: before and after new years.
Before new years all that anyone was thinking about was the party on New Years Eve. (pictures coming soon) After that party, there was a striking realization that we still had the weekend to deal with.
The original plans for this weekend was to head down to Rhode Island to record some music with Kap and his buddy Keith at his father's recording studio. My anticipation of this sort of thing dates back to my grammer school years. Of course, what can go wrong will go wrong, and we didn't make it to Rhode Island. For one reason or another, me, Kap, and Freedman decided to head north instead of soluth (a wise decision any day).
We headed to the spot in Maine, our home. We stayed in the Freedman's trailor. Three guys, two last minute food bags, and plent of winter atire. Our stay in the Vacation state lasted less that 24 hours, but that's all that we needed.
My face and lips are chapped, and my lungs are refreshed from the clean northern air. My mind has been replenished knowing that a place like Maine still exists; it hasn't been run down by some corporation. The wilderness still thrives in certain parts, Maine being one, and that is what we seek. My friends and I search for the next new expirience to break away from the dwelling of the city, and thats what we did. Our own version of therapy and rest, the way nature intended it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

And what a weekend it was