Monday, May 18, 2009

Its time.

When I say this I mean it. It was a long weekend, but not a normal one. Noize is well on its way.

Woke up on friday to a quote that describes my mindset going into this weekend.

--" Id rather make my name than inherit it".

To put it plainly, dont just take what your given, create your own name, your own backing.

A backing is a foundation, something to "fall back" on. No, im not talking about being smart with jobs and what not, making sure you have somthing to go back to incase life fails you. In my eyes, life doesnt fail or pass anyone, it's a matter of what the person can take from life. Yes, if it all goes south, if we all loose the five years of passion; I can survive. Everything in my power will be done to make sure Noize Clothing is put on the map as a major east coast company. There is my statement; anyone that chooses to dissprove that notion can just wait for the invasion.

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